What is fascinating womanhood
What is fascinating womanhood

Your best bet, though, is to move on with your life. Did he leave without an explanation? You might ask him why he left and to be honest "because you want to know why." However, be prepared to have your feelings hurt if you don't like the answer. Or maybe you were never really the girl for him. Maybe he is too demanding or has unrealistic expectations about how a woman should treat him or how she should look and dress. On the other hand, maybe the guy isn't one to stay with anyone for very long. Question: What makes a man leave you for another lady? Just know that if you believe you are beautiful and amazing, so will he! That being said, our job is to discover our own unique beauty, acknowledge it, fine tune it, and begin enjoying it-then he can enjoy your fascinating traits with you. For example, most men are quick to notice a woman who carries herself well, who has that inner sparkle or " savoir faire", which he finds hard to define. In truth, every woman has "beautiful" qualities. with a sly grin, she said, "I just believe I'm special." And so she was.

what is fascinating womanhood

The most attractive smile is the genuine smile, which is the smile that creates lines, or “crow’s feet,” around the eyes. There are over 18 different ways to smile. She paused to give us gals a moment to process this information. And yes, she was an interesting conversationalist. She had a nice way with eye-shadow and lipstick. In fact, this charming woman was a bonafide male magnet.

what is fascinating womanhood

She almost always wore a dress to work, rather than pants, like the majority of us. Yet every day she was beautifully coiffed. The mystifying thing about this woman was that she was not a beauty in the traditional sense, having no waist to speak of and.well, a really short neck. Over the ensuing years she entertained three serious proposals of marriage. Approximately one year after the death of her husband, she had begun dating again, at age 45. Some years ago, I worked in an office with an intriguing 60 year-old woman. She stretches herself while also guarding her integrity. She forgives her flaws and does what she can to grow emotionally. But more importantly, the fascinating woman likes herself. Ultimately, her goal is to be fulfilled in work as well as in love. She has authentic charm and she fully understands the steady sex-appeal of her quiet confidence. The fascinating woman is unique, intelligent and focused on steering the course of her life in a positive direction.

what is fascinating womanhood

In romance, her set of personal guidelines enable her to attract the good lovers and weed out the bad. She is highly independent and therefore very selective about whom she chooses to love, yet she gives herself permission to love passionately. She is a compelling woman who is attractive because she is driven by self-worth, rather than a desire to manipulate. The fascinating woman is refreshingly herself. Men love her uniqueness and her positive-self image. Therein lies her attraction - she is both light and dark. The fascinating woman is equipped with an interesting combination of yin and yang, the Chinese term for feminine and masculine energy.

What is fascinating womanhood